
  • Spiritual role

Definition and Context: A Mohel (plural: Mohalim) is a person trained and certified to perform the brit milah, which is the covenant of circumcision. This ritual, a commandment in Jewish law, is typically performed on the eighth day of a Jewish male infant's life, symbolizing the covenant between God and the Jewish people.

  1. Roles and Responsibilities:

    • Performing Circumcision: The primary role of a Mohel is to perform the circumcision procedure safely and in accordance with Jewish law.

    • Ritual Aspects: The Mohel also leads the religious ceremony surrounding the circumcision, which includes prayers and blessings.

    • Post-Procedure Care: A Mohel provides instructions and guidance for the care of the infant following the circumcision.

  2. Training and Qualifications:

    • Medical Training: Mohalim are often medically trained, either as physicians or as specialists in surgical techniques, to ensure the procedure is performed safely and hygienically.

    • Religious Training: They also receive training in the religious aspects of the brit milah, including the relevant Jewish laws and customs.

    • Certification: Certification by a religious authority or a recognized institution is usually required to practice as a Mohel.

  3. Community Role and Trust: A Mohel is an important figure within the Jewish community, often called upon to perform circumcisions in various families and settings. They are trusted for their expertise, skill, and adherence to religious traditions.

  4. Counseling and Support: Part of the Mohel's role is to provide support and reassurance to the family, especially first-time parents, regarding the procedure.

  5. Customs and Variations: The specific rituals and customs performed by a Mohel can vary depending on the Jewish community's traditions (Ashkenazi, Sephardic, etc.).

  6. Ethical and Halachic Considerations: Mohalim must be knowledgeable about the ethical and Halachic (Jewish legal) considerations involved in circumcision, especially in cases where medical concerns may arise.

  7. Intercommunity Engagement: In many cases, a Mohel serves a broad area or multiple communities, and their services are often in high demand.

  8. Educational Role: A Mohel often educates the family and community members about the significance of the brit milah in Jewish tradition and life.




A person trained in the practice of brit milah, the covenant of circumcision. The mohel performs the circumcision ceremony for Jewish male infants.




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