John X of Antioch

  • Patriarch
  • Person

Born Youhanna Yazigi on January 1, 1955, in Latakia, Syria, John X grew up in a country rich in religious and cultural diversity. His early life in the coastal city, known for its historic Christian community, profoundly shaped his spiritual development.

John pursued his initial theological education at the University of Tishreen in Latakia and furthered his studies at the St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology in Balamand, Lebanon. He later obtained a doctorate in liturgical theology from the University of Thessaloniki in Greece. This extensive theological training provided him with a deep and nuanced understanding of Orthodox Christian theology, liturgy, and history.

Ordination and Early Ministry

John X was ordained to the diaconate in 1979 and to the priesthood in 1983. His early ministry was characterized by a dedication to pastoral work, education, and service to the community. He served as a dean and spiritual guide at the St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology, where he was known for his scholarly approach and commitment to nurturing the spiritual and theological development of his students.

Episcopal Ministry

In 1995, John X was consecrated as Bishop of Al-Hosn and oversaw the diocese of Western and Central Europe. His episcopal ministry was marked by a commitment to pastoral care, fostering community among the Orthodox diaspora, and enhancing the liturgical life of the Church.

Patriarch of Antioch and All the East

In December 2012, following the death of his predecessor, Ignatius IV, John X was elected as the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the East. His election came at a critical time, as the Middle East, particularly Syria, was engulfed in the turmoil of the Syrian Civil War.

Leadership in Times of Conflict

Patriarch John X's tenure has been largely defined by his leadership in a time of profound conflict and crisis. The Syrian Civil War posed significant challenges to the Christian communities in Syria, leading to displacement, persecution, and the destruction of historic sites. Amidst these difficulties, John X has been a vocal advocate for peace, reconciliation, and the protection of all people affected by the conflict, regardless of their religious or ethnic background.

Efforts for Peace and Reconciliation

A central focus of John X's patriarchate has been his work in promoting peace and interfaith dialogue. He has consistently called for a peaceful resolution to the conflicts in Syria and the wider Middle East and has engaged with religious leaders from various Christian denominations and other faiths to foster mutual understanding and cooperation.

John X's efforts extend beyond mere rhetoric; he has been actively involved in humanitarian initiatives, providing support and relief to those affected by the war. His leadership in these trying times has been marked by a combination of spiritual guidance and practical action.

Preservation of Christian Heritage

In a region where Christians are increasingly marginalized, Patriarch John X has been committed to preserving the Antiochian Orthodox Church's rich heritage and presence. He has emphasized the importance of the Christian presence in the Middle East as integral to the region's historical and cultural fabric.

Theological Contributions and Ecumenical Relations

As a theologian, John X has contributed to the discourse on contemporary Orthodox theology, particularly in the context of the Middle East. He has participated in various international religious and ecumenical gatherings, advocating for Orthodox perspectives on theological and social issues.

Challenges and Vision for the Future

Patriarch John X's leadership has not been without its challenges. Navigating the complexities of religious leadership in a region beset by conflict and political upheaval has required a careful balance of spiritual authority and diplomatic skill.

His vision for the future of the Antiochian Orthodox Church includes strengthening the Christian community in the Middle East, promoting peace and reconciliation in the region, and fostering a vibrant and living Orthodox Christian witness in an increasingly complex and challenging world.


John X of Antioch


Born in 1955 in Latakia, Syria, has been the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the East since 2012. A theologian and scholar, he is recognized for his efforts in promoting peace and reconciliation in the Middle East, particularly amidst the Syrian Civil War. His tenure is marked by a focus on pastoral care, interfaith dialogue, and maintaining the Antiochian Orthodox Church's presence and heritage in a region of profound conflict.

