Measuring religion in China

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The Pew Research Center evaluates religious trends in China by examining surveys from Chinese academic sources like the Chinese General Social Survey, China Family Panel Studies, China Labor-force Dynamics Survey, and the World Values Survey. Additionally, they analyze data from Chinese government bodies such as the State Council and the National Religious Affairs Administration, as well as from state-operated religious groups like the China Christian Council, the Three-Self Patriotic Movement, and the Islamic Association of China.

The report highlights the unique nature of religion in China compared to other regions. It addresses challenges in measuring religious trends in China, including limitations in available data, the incompatibility of conventional religious categories with the Chinese context, and the influence of Chinese culture and politics on religious practices.


Measuring religion in China


The Pew Research Center's report on religion in China uses surveys from Chinese academic groups and government data to understand religious trends. It highlights the unique aspects of religion in China, including data limitations and the influence of culture and politics.
