Ilia II of Georgia

  • Patriarch
  • Person

Ilia II, born Irakli Ghudushauri-Shiolashvili on January 4, 1933, in Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia, grew up in a period marked by the Soviet Union's religious suppression. Despite the atheistic environment, he nurtured a deep-rooted Christian faith from an early age, influenced significantly by the religious traditions of his family and the Georgian Orthodox Church.

He pursued theological studies at the Moscow Spiritual Academy, where he excelled and showed a profound interest in Orthodox theology and ecclesiastical history. His education laid the foundation for what would become a lifelong commitment to the Georgian Orthodox Church and its teachings.

Ordination and Early Ministry

Ilia was ordained as a deacon in 1957 and subsequently as a priest. His early ministry was characterized by a deep dedication to pastoral care and theological education. He served in various capacities within the Church, gaining a reputation for his scholarly approach to Orthodox theology and his compassionate pastoral work.

Rise in the Church Hierarchy

Ilia's capabilities and devotion to the Church led to his rapid rise in the ecclesiastical hierarchy. He was consecrated as a bishop in 1967, and his episcopal career was marked by significant contributions to the life of the Georgian Orthodox Church. He became known for his efforts in revitalizing church life, particularly focusing on youth programs and theological education.

Patriarch of Georgia

In 1977, Ilia II was elected as the Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia, becoming the spiritual leader of the Georgian Orthodox Church. His election came at a crucial time when the Church was grappling with the challenges posed by the Soviet regime.

As Patriarch, Ilia II embarked on a mission to rejuvenate the Georgian Orthodox Church. He navigated the Church through the final years of Soviet rule and played a pivotal role in its resurgence in the post-Soviet era. Under his leadership, the Church experienced significant growth, with a revival in religious practices and an increase in the number of churches and monasteries across Georgia.

Theological Contributions and Pastoral Care

Ilia II is widely respected for his theological scholarship and his insightful interpretation of Orthodox Christian teachings. He has written extensively on theological matters, contributing greatly to the understanding of Orthodox Christianity in the modern context.

His approach to pastoral care is characterized by a deep empathy and a strong connection with the faithful. Ilia II has been particularly attentive to the needs of the youth, emphasizing the importance of engaging younger generations in the life of the Church.

Peacebuilding and National Unity

A significant aspect of Ilia II's tenure has been his involvement in efforts towards peace and national unity. Georgia, during his patriarchate, faced numerous challenges, including internal conflicts and the struggle for national identity in the post-Soviet landscape. Ilia II has consistently advocated for peaceful resolutions to conflicts, emphasizing the role of the Church in promoting national reconciliation and unity.

Interfaith Dialogue and Ecumenical Relations

Ilia II has actively engaged in interfaith dialogue and ecumenical relations, both within Georgia and internationally. He has fostered relationships with various Christian denominations and other religious communities, advocating for mutual respect and understanding among different faith traditions.

Social and Cultural Impact

Under Ilia II's leadership, the Georgian Orthodox Church has played a significant role in the cultural and social life of Georgia. He has been a proponent of preserving and promoting Georgian cultural heritage, viewing the Church as a custodian of national identity and traditions.

Challenges and Criticisms

Like any influential religious leader, Ilia II's tenure has not been without its challenges and criticisms. He has navigated complex political situations and faced criticism for the Church's stance on various social issues. Despite these challenges, he has remained a respected figure in Georgia and the Orthodox world.

Legacy and Future Outlook

Ilia II's impact on the Georgian Orthodox Church and Georgian society is profound. He has overseen a period of significant growth and revitalization in the Church, strengthening its position in the post-Soviet era. His legacy is characterized by his commitment to the spiritual well-being of the Georgian people, his efforts in peacebuilding and national unity, and his contributions to theological scholarship.

As he continues his patriarchate, Ilia II's vision for the Church and its role in society remains focused on spiritual guidance, national unity, and engagement with contemporary challenges. His leadership continues to shape the trajectory of the Georgian Orthodox Church and its influence in the lives of the Georgian people.


Ilia II of Georgia


Born as Irakli Ghudushauri-Shiolashvili in 1933 in Vladikavkaz, is the Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia and the spiritual leader of the Georgian Orthodox Church since 1977. Renowned for his theological scholarship and pastoral care, Ilia II has been a guiding force in the revival of the Georgian Orthodox Church post-Soviet Union. He is respected for his efforts in peacebuilding, promoting national unity, and engaging in interfaith dialogue.



Orthodox Churches