
  • Ritual

Wudu involves the following steps:

  1. Niyyah (Intention): It is recommended to make a mental intention to perform wudu.

  2. Washing the hands: Muslims wash their hands up to the wrists, three times starting with the right hand.

  3. Rinsing the mouth: Water is swirled around inside the mouth and spat out, three times.

  4. Cleaning the nose: Water is inhaled gently into the nose and then blown out, three times.

  5. Washing the face: The entire face is washed, from the hairline to the jawbone and from ear to ear, three times.

  6. Washing the arms: Starting with the right arm, each arm is washed up to the elbow, three times.

  7. Wiping the head: Wet hands are passed once over the head starting from the forehead to the back and back to the forehead.

  8. Wiping the ears: Using new water, the ears are wiped inside and out with the index fingers and thumbs.

  9. Washing the feet: Starting with the right foot, the feet are washed up to the ankles, three times, making sure to clean between the toes.

The steps of wudu have been prescribed by Islamic tradition based on the practices of the Prophet Muhammad. It is not only an act of physical cleansing but also one of spiritual symbolism, preparing Muslims for the presence of God during prayer. If one of these steps is not performed properly or is skipped, it may invalidate the wudu, and it would then need to be performed again.




Ritual purification. It is a required practice before the five daily prayers (Salat), as well as other occasions, such as before handling the Quran or performing Tawaf during Hajj.




