Metropolitan Rastislav

  • Patriarch
  • Person

Rastislav, born in 1978 in Snina, Slovakia, grew up in a period of significant social and political change in Eastern Europe. His formative years in post-communist Slovakia influenced his perspectives on religion and society. From an early age, Rastislav exhibited a strong inclination towards spiritual and religious matters, which guided his path towards the priesthood.

He pursued theological studies, demonstrating a keen interest in Orthodox Christian theology and ecclesiastical history. His education provided him with a deep understanding of Orthodox traditions and teachings, preparing him for a life dedicated to the service of the Church.

Ordination and Early Ministry

Rastislav was ordained to the diaconate and later to the priesthood. His early ministry was characterized by a devotion to pastoral work, serving in various capacities within the Orthodox Church. He quickly gained a reputation for his compassionate approach to pastoral care and his deep commitment to the teachings of the Orthodox faith.

Rise in the Church Hierarchy

Rastislav's dedication and capabilities led to his rapid rise in the church hierarchy. His ordination as a bishop marked the beginning of a new phase in his ecclesiastical career, wherein he took on greater administrative and spiritual responsibilities within the Church.

Archbishop of Prešov and Metropolitan of the Czech Lands and Slovakia

In 2014, Rastislav was elected as the Archbishop of Prešov and Metropolitan of the Czech Lands and Slovakia. His election to this prominent position was a testament to his deep spiritual insight, theological knowledge, and leadership abilities. As Metropolitan, Rastislav assumed the role of the spiritual leader of the Orthodox Christians in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, a region with a rich but complex religious history.

Pastoral Care and Community Engagement

One of Metropolitan Rastislav’s primary focuses has been pastoral care. He has been actively involved in the life of the Orthodox community, addressing the spiritual needs of the faithful. His approach to ministry emphasizes the importance of personal spiritual growth and community involvement.

Under his leadership, the Orthodox Church in the Czech Lands and Slovakia has worked to engage more effectively with the youth. Recognizing the challenges faced by young people in contemporary society, Metropolitan Rastislav has advocated for programs and initiatives that connect youth with the Church and its teachings.

Orthodox Identity and Ecumenical Relations

In a region predominantly characterized by Roman Catholicism and other Christian denominations, maintaining a distinct Orthodox identity has been a significant aspect of Metropolitan Rastislav's leadership. He has emphasized the importance of preserving Orthodox traditions and practices, while also encouraging his community to remain open and engaged with the wider Christian world.

Metropolitan Rastislav has also been involved in ecumenical dialogue, fostering relationships with other Christian churches. He advocates for mutual understanding and respect among different Christian traditions, seeing this as essential for the promotion of Christian unity and witness in the world.

Theological Contributions

As a theologian, Metropolitan Rastislav has contributed to the discourse on Orthodox theology. His writings and teachings reflect a commitment to the rich theological heritage of the Orthodox Church, while also addressing contemporary issues facing the Church and society.


Metropolitan Rastislav


Born in 1978 in Snina, Slovakia, is the current Archbishop of Prešov and Metropolitan of the Czech Lands and Slovakia in the Orthodox Church since 2014. Known for his theological education and commitment to Orthodox Christian traditions, Metropolitan Rastislav has focused on pastoral care, youth engagement, and strengthening the Orthodox community in a region with diverse religious backgrounds. His leadership emphasizes maintaining Orthodox identity while fostering ecumenical dialogue.
