Theophilos III, Patriarch of the Holy City of Jerusalem and all Palestine, Israel, Syria, beyond the Jordan River, Cana of Galilee and Holy Zion

  • Patriarch
  • Person

Born as Ilias Giannopoulos in 1952 in Messenia, Greece, Patriarch Theophilos III grew up in a time of considerable change and challenge in the Orthodox Christian world. From an early age, he was drawn to the spiritual life, showing a keen interest in the traditions and practices of the Orthodox Church. His upbringing in Greece, a country with a rich Orthodox heritage, deeply influenced his spiritual development and later, his ecclesiastical career.

Theophilos pursued his early education in Greece, where he excelled in his studies. Recognizing his profound interest in theology and his potential for church leadership, he was sent to study at the University of Athens, where he obtained a degree in Theology. His academic journey didn't stop there. He furthered his education in the United Kingdom, deepening his theological understanding and broadening his perspective on the global Christian community.

Early Ecclesiastical Career

Upon completing his education, Theophilos began his ecclesiastical career in the Orthodox Church. He was ordained as a deacon and later as a priest, and he quickly distinguished himself through his dedication, intelligence, and capability in church matters. His early assignments included various administrative and pastoral roles, where he demonstrated a remarkable ability to connect with people and effectively manage church affairs.

During this time, Theophilos also developed a reputation as a skilled preacher and theologian. His sermons and writings reflected a deep understanding of Orthodox theology and a strong commitment to the spiritual welfare of his community. He became known for his ability to articulate the teachings of the Orthodox Church in a way that was both accessible and inspiring to the faithful.

Elevation to the Patriarchate

In 2005, Theophilos was elected as the Patriarch of Jerusalem, one of the highest positions in the Orthodox Church. His election was a testament to his years of service, his theological expertise, and his leadership qualities. As Patriarch, Theophilos III became the spiritual leader of millions of Orthodox Christians in the Holy Land and beyond.

His tenure as Patriarch has been marked by several key focuses. Foremost among these has been the promotion of peace and interfaith dialogue in a region often torn by religious and political strife. Theophilos III has worked tirelessly to foster understanding and cooperation among the various religious communities in the Holy Land. He has participated in numerous interfaith events and has been a vocal advocate for religious harmony and mutual respect.

Preservation of Christian Heritage

Another major aspect of Patriarch Theophilos III's work has been the preservation of Christian heritage in the Holy Land. This region, rich in religious history, has numerous sites of great significance to Christianity. Theophilos has been deeply involved in efforts to maintain and restore these historic sites, ensuring that they remain places of worship and pilgrimage for future generations.

Under his leadership, the Patriarchate of Jerusalem has undertaken several significant restoration projects. These include the restoration of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, one of Christianity's most sacred sites. Theophilos III has also been instrumental in advocating for the rights of Orthodox Christians in the region, ensuring that they have access to these holy places and can practice their faith freely.

Educational and Ecumenical Initiatives

Theophilos III is a strong proponent of education, both within the church and in the broader community. He has supported the establishment and growth of theological schools and seminaries, aiming to ensure that future generations of clergy are well-educated and prepared for their roles in the church. He has also encouraged educational initiatives that promote understanding and dialogue between different religious and cultural groups.

In the ecumenical arena, Patriarch Theophilos III has played a significant role. He has participated in numerous international gatherings and dialogues aimed at promoting unity among the various Christian denominations. His efforts in this area are driven by a belief in the importance of Christian unity and the need for a united Christian voice in addressing the challenges facing the world today.

Challenges and Controversies

Like any religious leader, Patriarch Theophilos III has faced challenges and controversies during his tenure. The complex political and religious landscape of the Middle East has presented numerous obstacles to his efforts to promote peace and understanding. He has had to navigate delicate political situations, sometimes facing criticism from various sides for his stances and actions.

Additionally, Theophilos has been involved in legal and administrative battles related to church property and rights in Jerusalem and the surrounding areas. These issues have often been fraught with tension, requiring careful diplomacy and a deep commitment to the principles and traditions of the Orthodox Church.

Legacy and Impact

Patriarch Theophilos III's legacy is still being shaped, as he continues to lead the Orthodox Church in Jerusalem. His tenure has been characterized by a deep commitment to the spiritual well-being of his flock, the promotion of peace and dialogue, and the preservation of Christian heritage in the Holy Land. His efforts have not only strengthened the Orthodox Church but have also contributed to the broader conversation about religious coexistence and understanding in one of the world's most complex regions.


Theophilos III, Patriarch of the Holy City of Jerusalem and all Palestine, Israel, Syria, beyond the Jordan River, Cana of Galilee and Holy Zion


Born Ilias Giannopoulos in 1952 in Messenia, Greece, is the current Patriarch of the Orthodox Church of Jerusalem. Assuming office in 2005, he is recognized for his efforts in interfaith dialogue, maintaining Orthodox Christian rights, and preserving religious heritage in the Holy Land. Theophilos III is known for his theological education and commitment to peace in the region, playing a significant role in the broader Christian community.



Orthodox Churches