The SEC can prosecute issuers and sellers of unregistered securities. Under Section 20(b), the SEC can seek injunctions against the sale or issue of securities if the Securities Act has been violated or if a violation is imminent. Section 8A also allows the SEC to issue cease and desist orders to issuers and bar officers and directors who have violated the Securities Act's anti-fraud provisions. Additionally, the SEC can seek civil penalties under Section 20(d) if a party violated the Securities Act, an SEC rule, or a cease-and-desist order.

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The SEC can prosecute issuers and sellers of unregistered securities. Under Section 20(b), the SEC can seek injunctions against the sale or issue of securities if the Securities Act has been violated or if a violation is imminent. Section 8A also allows the SEC to issue cease and desist orders to issuers and bar officers and directors who have violated the Securities Act's anti-fraud provisions. Additionally, the SEC can seek civil penalties under Section 20(d) if a party violated the Securities Act, an SEC rule, or a cease-and-desist order.


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