Crypto industry funding for 2024 US Election

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The 2024 U.S. election has seen an unprecedented surge in funding from the cryptocurrency industry. Super PACs such as Fairshake, supported by major players like Coinbase, Ripple, and Andreessen Horowitz, have collectively raised over $200 million as of June 30, 2024, according to data from the Federal Election Commission (FEC). As the election approaches, the crypto industry is targeting key races and leveraging its financial power to shape the future regulatory environment in the U.S., making the 2024 election a pivotal moment for the industry's political strategy.


Crypto industry funding for 2024 US Election


The 2024 U.S. election has seen over $200 million in cryptocurrency industry funding by June 30, 2024, with super PACs like Fairshake leading efforts to influence key races and shape future U.S. regulatory policies.



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