Solana Hacker House Berlin

  • Event

​During the event you can expect:

  • ​Informative educational programming around how to get started on Solana, DeFi, NFTs, as well as workshops, panels, and presentations from ecosystem teams.

  • ​Plenty of time to work on your project, meet new people, find team members for your idea, or join an existing team.

  • ​Advice and support from core Solana Lab engineers, plus a demo day at the end.

  • ​An opportunity for conversation, connection and learning.

  • ​A venue with good WiFi, power, and workstations, plus all-day food and lounges to relax.

  • ​Exclusive evening events that are open to all participants.

​This Solana x Jump x Circle Hacker Houses is open to all builders who register ahead of time. Please register early if you plan to attend — it’s first come, first serve!


Solana Hacker House Berlin


This Solana x Jump x Circle Hacker Houses is open to all builders who register ahead of time.




Berlin, Germany


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