
  • Company
  • Project
  • Blockchain
  • Infrastructure

Secret is a privacy-preserving blockchain platform that aims to secure digital assets and protect users' data through encryption and decentralization. It is built on top of the Cosmos SDK and utilizes the Tendermint consensus algorithm.

Secret Network:

Secret Network is the primary blockchain on the Secret platform, which provides privacy-preserving smart contracts. It uses a consensus algorithm known as "SecretProof-of-Stake," which rewards network validators based on their contributions to the network's security and privacy.

Secret Contract:

Secret Contract is a privacy-preserving smart contract on the Secret Network. It enables developers to build decentralized applications (dApps) with encrypted inputs, outputs, and states. This privacy feature is achieved through the use of secure multi-party computation (MPC), which allows for private computation without exposing sensitive data to any single participant.

Secret Token:

The native token of the Secret Network is SCRT. It is used for transaction fees, network governance, and as collateral for minting secret tokens. Secret tokens are wrapped versions of other tokens, such as ERC-20 tokens, which can then be used on the Secret Network while maintaining privacy.




Secret Network is the first blockchain with customizable privacy. You get to choose what you share, with whom, and how. This protects users, and empowers developers to build a better Web3.



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