
  • Marketplace
  • Project

Reneum audits and certifies the positive environmental attribute (EA) associated with the generation of clean energy from renewable energy projects around the world. Projects are issued digital Renewable Energy Certificates (dRECs) for each megawatt hour (MWh) of clean energy produced, which they can monetize for an additional revenue stream on the Reneum Marketplace. Acting like a subsidy, this revenue supports project profitability, enables market competitiveness, and sends a price signal to investors and incentivizes new project buildout.

Buyers purchase these dRECs in markets where they cannot buy green energy directly through the grid or are unable to invest directly into renewables, but are conscientious about their climate impact. For companies with sophisticated ESG commitments or government mandates for renewable energy portfolio standards, they purchase dRECs to address their Scope 2 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. In return they receive a digital certificate representing the retired dREC, which is also issued in the form of a blockchain-based soulbound token (SBT), recording and immutably storing all renewable energy project data on-chain to allow for transparent and trust-less auditing.

Through its user-friendly yet sophisticated solution, Reneum is creating an ecosystem and feedback-loop of engagement, an economy for climate positive projects where stakeholders participate actively in climate decisions and can vote with their wallet on the causes that matter most to them.




Manage energy emissions and fund renewable energy globally

