a16z crypto

  • Venture Fund
  • Project

We have over $7.6 billion assets under management across four funds, and have been investing in web3 – across all stages – since 2013, under the direction of founding general partner Chris Dixon, as part of Andreessen Horowitz.

The first era of the modern internet [~1990-2005] was about open protocols that were decentralized and community-governed. Most of the value accrued to the edges of the network: users and builders. The second era of the internet [~2005-2020] favored siloed, centralized services. Most of the value accrued to a handful of large tech companies. We are now beginning the third era of the internet – what many call web3 – which combines the decentralized, community-governed ethos of the first era with the advanced, modern functionality of the second era. This unlocks a new wave of creativity and entrepreneurship.

a16z crypto supports our portfolio and the growth of web3 through the following operations:

Research organization

Engineering and security teams

Legal and regulatory teams

Go-to-market networks

Recruiting services

Governance and infrastructure

Educational content and media properties

Crypto Startup School


a16z crypto


We back bold entrepreneurs building the next internet.

