Proposal 2 - Armando

  • Topic

Less is more

the "less is more" philosophy in the context of scaling news coverage as more events occur daily involves several strategic benefits that facilitate managing increased volume without sacrificing quality:

  1. Streamlined content creation: By focusing on concise reporting, we can produce content more quickly and efficiently. This streamlined approach allows us to cover more stories because we will spend less time on each piece. Instead of creating lengthy articles for every news event, we can focus on the essence, which speeds up the reporting process and enables coverage of more events.

  2. Improved quality: By concentrating on the most critical aspects of a story and eliminating superfluous details, editors can ensure the accuracy and relevance of their reporting. This focus allows them to delve deeper into the essential facts and perspectives, providing a clearer, more impactful narrative. Such quality-focused reporting builds trust and credibility with the audience, as each piece of content is carefully crafted to convey the most significant information without distraction.

    Scalability of content: As the volume of news grows, maintaining a minimalist approach helps prevent information overload for both the audience and the editors. It ensures that as the quantity of news increases, the quality does not diminish, thereby sustaining a scalable model of news production that can adapt to increasing amounts of information. This approach reduces the likelihood of errors and the spread of misinformation. By concentrating on fewer, crucial elements, editors can more thoroughly verify each piece of information, leading to more accurate and trustworthy reporting.

  3. Improved reader engagement: Readers often prefer content that gets to the point without unnecessary fluff, especially in today's fast-paced world where time is a limited resource. Concise news can help maintain reader engagement as audiences are more likely to read and comprehend shorter articles fully.

    Enhanced accessibility and distribution: Shorter, more focused news events are easier to distribute across various platforms, including X, where brevity is essential. This increases the accessibility of news to a broader audience, enhancing the reach and impact of Geo.

    Avoiding empty topics/entities: It is crucial to avoid creating empty topics or empty entities because they can lead to reader disengagement and mistrust. When readers encounter content that is empty or seems irrelevant, they are less likely to view the platform as a credible and authoritative source of information!

Content box

  • Summary: Include 3 to 5 key claims that encapsulate the news event. Each claim should be supported by at least two quotes from two different sources.

  • Related news events: Dive deeper into the story by exploring additional news events linked to the current. Allows comprehensive understanding of the context and implications.

Metadata box

  • Name: Title of the news event. Should be short, clear and descriptive.

  • Description: Comprehensive and concise (not exceeding 75 words) summary of the news event, detailing the main points and relevant information to give a clear understanding of what occurred. This description should effectively function as one of the key claims.

  • Types: News Event

  • Cover: a 3:1 ratio image with precise dimensions of 1192px by 320px. For additional guidelines on style and presentation, refer to the Visual Identity page.

  • Date: Date when the news event took place, providing temporal context for the information.

  • Location: The primary geographic location where the news event occurred, helping to situate the event within a specific regional or global context.

  • Related entities: Crypto assets, companies, or key individuals (stakeholders) involved in or affected by the news event, to highlight the connections and impacts.

  • Related news Events: Other news events that are closely related to the current news event, to help readers explore further relevant content.

  • Sources: all sources used in compiling the news event, to allow readers to trace the information back to its origin.

  • Tags: Relevant tags for categorization and search optimization


Proposal 2 - Armando


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