Workflow proposal for web3 news

  • Topic

News story, edition workflow

1- Select a news (an article) from a source on Fresh RSS

2- Select at least 1 other source, ideally all crypto #1 sources, about the same news on

3- Name the news story, this name is a Headline (title), must be short, catchy (able to catch the attention from the reader), precise, neutral, not sensationalist at all, but must respect a smart and informed tone. the created Headline must be different but inspired by Headlines (titles of the articles) from the selected sources

4- Describe the news story, this description is a Lead, must be short (maximum 70 words) and accurately summarize the news story, the created Lead must be different but inspired by the Leads (description of the articles or subtitles of the articles) from the selected sources.

5- Design of a cover, 3:1 ratio image AI generated (Midjourney or Dall-e), concept Minimal art, geometric art, monolithic blocks, conceptual blockchain networks

6-Summarize the news story, 3 to 5 key claims accurately summarizing the whole news story.

Table 1 = Summary of the news story

7- Key claims quotation, each key claim must be supported by at least 2 exact quotes, each from a different source. Ideally each key claim should be supported by 3 or more quotes, each from a different source.

8- If the news is complex it must be breakdown into (related) topics (between 2 and 5 topics). Each topic must have a name, a description, a cover and a table with key claims about the topic.

Table 2 = News story breakdown / Table 2.2 = Topic key claims

9- Related news stories, previous news stories published on Geo related with the current news story.

Table 3 = Related news stories

10- Related News topics, news topics from a defined and limited list of News topics

11- Related entities, assets, people, or any relevant entity related to the news story


Workflow proposal for web3 news


Workflow proposal for editing Crypto News.













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