Hosted Service

  • Deployment Method


Hosted Service


Hosted services provide convenience and ease of use, as they handle the infrastructure and maintenance for you. They typically offer user-friendly interfaces and may provide additional features and support. However, relying on a hosted service means that you are placing trust in a centralized entity and may be subject to their terms and conditions. Subgraphs can be deployed on The Graph's hosted service. This option simplifies deployment by managing infrastructure and maintenance, allowing developers to focus on creating the subgraph's schema and mappings. The Graph's servers handle indexing and querying tasks. Please note, the hosted service will begin sunsetting in 2023, but it will remain available to networks that are not supported on the decentralized network. Developers are encouraged to upgrade their subgraphs to The Graph Network as more networks are supported. Each network will have its hosted service equivalents gradually sunset to ensure developers have enough time to upgrade subgraphs to the decentralized network.

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