• Hackathon Project brings Web3 accessibility to mobile, Discord, Slack, and Telegram!

The barrier of entry to Web3 is HIGH. On September 26, 2022, The Ontario Securities Commission published a Crypto Asset Survey Report and found that amongst Canadians:

  • the average crypto asset knowledge score was 37%

  • few felt particularly familiar with crypto

  • most lacked a working knowledge of the practical, legal, or regulatory dimensions of crypto assets

And this is just crypto, arguably the most publicly recognizable part of the Web3 umbrella. So how do we lower the barrier of entry to crypto, blockchain, and Web3 services? With! is a multipurpose, platform-agnostic tool that uses an LLM-driven chatbot to lower the barrier of entry to Web3 services and blockchain data visualization tools. Ask questions about specific Web3 technologies, get insights on data feeds (subgraphs), and make blockchain state changes all through chat.

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