Bubble Breaker

  • Hackathon Project


Bubble Breaker


In today's prevalent social media landscape, our digital interactions have given rise to what we call "thought bubbles." These bubbles confine us within the confines of our existing convictions, gradually shaping our new thoughts. The constant influx of dopamine-triggering content prompts the necessity to liberate ourselves from this potentially harmful environment. It's imperative that we strive for personal growth by challenging our beliefs and fostering self-improvement. Our initiative aims to cultivate a more constructive dialogue in the digital sphere by advocating for and incentivizing healthy discourse and evidence-based arguments. The Bubble Breaker platform offers users an experience akin to traditional social media platforms, with one significant distinction: periodic interruptions in the content feed present articles or posts intended to disrupt the user's entrenched thought bubble. Users are encouraged to engage by providing well-reasoned comments either supporting or refuting the Bubble Breaker content, which may diverge from their usual interests, knowledge base, or political affiliations. Rewards are granted for meaningful participation.

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