Sandeep Nailwal

  • Person

Serving Polygon Builders, Founder of Polygon Labs & Crypto Relief.


Sandeep Nailwal


Sandeep Nailwal is the co-founder and chief operating officer of Polygon, formerly known as Matic Network.




Sandeep Nailwal is a prominent figure in the crypto space and the co-founder of Polygon, formerly known as Matic Network. Polygon is a popular Ethereum scaling solution that aims to improve scalability and usability on the Ethereum network. Sandeep plays a crucial role in the development and growth of the project. As the co-founder, Sandeep is responsible for overseeing the strategic direction and technical development of Polygon. He has been actively involved in promoting and advocating for the adoption of blockchain technology and decentralized applications. His efforts have been instrumental in establishing Polygon as a leading player in the industry. Sandeep has gained recognition for his expertise in blockchain technology and has been featured in various industry conferences and events.

Current roles

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