
  • Project
  • Blockchain
  • Infrastructure

Topl believes in a better world. A world where economic growth lives in harmony with a flourishing environment. A world of positive-sum economics where systems of self-reinforcing inequity no longer undermine societies. Topl is the infrastructure to power this new world.

To achieve this radical transformation, Topl has developed innovative web3 technology (a modular blockchain protocol) that enables the creation of new economic systems that are more sustainable and inclusive.

As a technology, Topl is a layer 0 (L0) blockchain network—designed to be highly modular and composable, supporting not only interoperability with other web3 networks but also powering multiple ledgers via a singular, secure consensus layer. The development of the Topl protocol placed two questions at the center of every decision made. How can we align our technology with Topl’s vision for the next economic transformation? How can we provide the easiest experience for builders developing their applications, tools, and platforms atop our infrastructure and for their end-users?

As an infrastructure for economic innovation, Topl solves two key challenges: 1) aligning activities that are best for society and the environment with those that are most profitable and 2) working to increase access to economic opportunity. Topl has developed its technology to empower a community of builders and changemakers to disrupt the current exploitative economic systems and replace them with economies that #buildgood in the world.




The world's first Blockchain designed to be an impact monetization engine. You change the world. We prove it.

