Demo n°32

  • Armando demo

Hello everyone!

This week, I initiated testing a News event type in my personal space.

After confirming its functionality, I created it, detailing the functions of its attributes, and then imported it into the US Politics space.

My first test involved creating a News event titled "January 2024 Presidential Campaign Finance Snapshot." with the article about Campaign Finance I show you last week.

Next, I created another News event, "Donald Trump gains full GOP leadership after Ronna McDaniel steps down," which focuses on the formalization of Ronna McDaniel's resignation following Trump's victory in the South Carolina primaries. An important detail is the end of financial support for Nikki Haley after her loss in these primaries.

I'd like to take a moment to explain how I curate news events and press articles. I start by looking at the publication dates, aiming to select very recent events and articles. I then choose sources that can provide exclusivity and analysis, generally preferring recognized foreign sources to offer another degree of neutrality.

One of the main challenges is selecting sources independent of the main press agencies (AP, AFP, and Reuters), which often have their information replicated by numerous media outlets.

The process then involves summarizing the event by focusing on the core information. For example, the article "What America's Relocation Boom Means for Election 2024" provides interesting information on how a single county can impact an entire election, but uses the example of Jordan Rocheleau, which does not contribute to our news event in this case, so I select only the relevant demographic information from the article.

I also began a News event "Swing states to watch in the 2024 US elections," which is inherently a work in progress since it will evolve throughout the presidential campaign.

Additionally, I've started drafting a resource type to transition from Website Resources (Space Resource), noting that the Web URL type is a value type, suggesting a replacement might be beneficial.


Demo n°32


Developing and testing "News Event" type in US Politics space.











