Affordable Housing Production
Affordable Housing Production
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Related policies
Complete community-led processes in Priority Equity Geographies that provide defined community benefits or mitigations for effects of new development consistent with state and federal law in order to reduce burdens on advocates of vulnerable populations and community members and establish more predictable outcomes for housing applications
Enable mixed-income development projects to maximize the number of permanently affordable housing units constructed, in balance with delivering other permanent community benefits that advance racial and social equity
Encourage co-housing to support ways for households to share space, resources, and responsibilities, especially to reinforce supportive relationships within and across communities and generations
Expand permanently affordable housing investments in Priority Equity Geographies to better serve American Indian, Black, and other People of color within income ranges underserved, including extremely-, very low-, and moderate-income households
Enable low and moderate-income households, particularly American Indian, Black, and other people of color, to live and prosper in Well-resourced Neighborhoods by increasing the number of permanently affordable housing units in those neighborhoods
Create dedicated and consistent local funding sources and advocate for regional, State, and Federal funding to support building permanently affordable housing for very low-, low-, and moderate-income households that meets the Regional Housing Needs Allocation targets
Require new commercial developments and large employers, hospitals, and educational institutions to help meet housing demand generated by anticipated job growth to maintain an appropriate jobs-housing fit, and address housing needs of students