
  • Proposed type
  • Type

Why is a Position type necessary?

I suggest creating a "Type Position" that facilitates easy initiation of debates with the primary aim of reaching consensus. This type is designed to be user-friendly, featuring just four attributes to simplify usage for newcomers, thereby easing expression and enabling quick engagement.

While claims are excellent for verifying data accuracy, they can hinder discussions for three reasons:

  • Editing them can be complex,

  • The opposing argument attribute may discourage users from initiating discussions with others,

  • This same attribute can lead to protracted discussions that fail to reach a conclusive agreement.

Positions are intended for straightforward voting and curation. If the expressed positions of different participants are compatible they can be consolidated, thereby initiating a new debate to facilitate progress.

What are the differences between this type and the Root space Position type?

The Root space Position type is outdated; I am the only one who has used it, and I believe I used it incorrectly.

Position synonyms

  1. Stance: A specific position taken on an issue, often implying a prepared and defended opinion.

  2. Viewpoint: The angle from which an issue is considered or analyzed, highlighting the subjective aspect.

  3. Perspective: Emphasizes the individual's frame of reference or way of looking at a situation.

  4. Standpoint: Similar to stance, but often relates to a broader ideological or theoretical framework.

  5. Opinion: A personal belief or judgment, less formal and not necessarily based on evidence.

  6. Belief: A conviction held with confidence, sometimes without the need for empirical proof.

  7. Argument: A reasoned set of premises leading to a conclusion, used in a more formal debate or logical discourse.

  8. Side: Represents a faction or a particular group’s position in a multi-faceted discussion.

  9. Angle: Highlights a particular aspect or way of approaching an issue, often used in creative or analytical thinking.

  10. Approach: Refers to a method or way of dealing with a problem or topic, emphasizing the strategy or process.

Position type attributes

  • Date: The date a position is expressed is an important attribute, as it helps to track changes in opinions over time.

  • Claimed by: Identifying the defender of a position is essential, as positions are personally advocated by the individuals who express them.

  • Related entities: Any entities that are interconnected with the primary subject of discussion.

  • Tags: Help in filtering tables and sorting the entity.




A top level statement of where a person or entity stands on an issue.