Carbon capture and storage

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Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a technology designed to tackle one of the most pressing challenges of the 21st century: the rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and its associated impact on global climate change. By capturing CO2 emissions at their source and subsequently storing them underground or using them in various applications, CCS offers a potential pathway to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions from major industrial sources.

Mechanisms of Carbon Capture and Storage CCS involves three primary stages: capture, transport, and storage. The capture phase entails separating CO2 from other gases produced during processes like electricity generation or industrial production. This can be achieved through pre-combustion capture, post-combustion capture, or oxyfuel combustion. Once captured, the CO2 is compressed and transported, typically via pipelines, to a storage site. The storage phase involves injecting the compressed CO2 deep underground into geological formations, such as depleted oil and gas reservoirs or deep saline aquifers, where it is securely stored and prevented from entering the atmosphere.

Potential and Challenges of CCS The potential of CCS is significant. It can be applied to existing power plants and industrial facilities, allowing for the continued use of fossil fuels in a more environmentally responsible manner. Moreover, when combined with bioenergy (known as BECCS), it could result in negative emissions, effectively removing CO2 from the atmosphere. However, CCS also faces challenges. The technology is still relatively expensive, and significant investment is required for large-scale deployment. There are also concerns about the long-term integrity of storage sites and the potential for CO2 leakage. Additionally, the infrastructure for transport and storage needs to be expanded to accommodate large-scale CCS operations.

Environmental and Economic Implications From an environmental perspective, successful implementation of CCS can play a crucial role in meeting global climate targets, such as those set out in the Paris Agreement. By reducing emissions from major industrial sources, CCS can complement other mitigation strategies like renewable energy deployment and energy efficiency improvements. Economically, CCS can provide a lifeline to industries and regions heavily reliant on fossil fuels, allowing them to transition to a low-carbon future without significant economic disruption. Furthermore, the development and export of CCS technologies can offer new economic opportunities.

Policy and Research Directions The advancement of CCS requires supportive policy frameworks. Governments can incentivize CCS through mechanisms like carbon pricing, tax credits, or direct funding for research and development. International cooperation can facilitate knowledge exchange, harmonize standards, and promote collaborative research efforts. Continuous research is essential to reduce the costs of CCS, improve its efficiency, and ensure the safety and integrity of storage sites.


Carbon capture and storage


Carbon capture and storage represents a promising technological solution in the arsenal of strategies to combat climate change. While it is not a silver bullet, and must be deployed in conjunction with other mitigation measures, its potential contribution to a sustainable, low-carbon future is undeniable. As with all technologies, its success will hinge on a combination of technological innovation, policy support, and societal acceptance.



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