Understand climate change, its origins and its impacts

  • Goal

Origins: The current phase of climate change is predominantly attributed to human actions. The burning of fossil fuels, industrial activities, and deforestation have led to elevated concentrations of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide, in the atmosphere. These gases trap heat, leading to the greenhouse effect, which is essential for life but, when intensified, results in global warming.

Observable effects: The consequences of climate change are manifold. There's a noted increase in global average surface temperatures, commonly referred to as global warming. This warming has led to the melting of polar ice caps and glaciers, resulting in rising sea levels. Changes in precipitation patterns have been observed, leading to increased instances of droughts and floods. Oceans, having absorbed much of the increased CO2, are becoming more acidic, posing threats to marine ecosystems.

Impacts on ecosystems and societies: Ecosystems face disruptions as species experience habitat loss, and some are forced to migrate, leading to biodiversity loss. Human societies are directly impacted through threats to food security due to unpredictable agricultural yields, water scarcity, health risks from diseases, and economic challenges, especially for communities in vulnerable regions.

Addressing the issue: Mitigation and adaptation are the two primary strategies in response to climate change. Mitigation focuses on reducing greenhouse gas emissions through renewable energy adoption, energy efficiency, and carbon capture technologies. Adaptation involves making adjustments in systems and practices to minimize the negative impacts of climate change, such as building flood defenses, adopting drought-resistant crops, and improving water conservation techniques.


Understand climate change, its origins and its impacts


Long-term alterations in global weather patterns, largely influenced by human activities such as fossil fuel combustion and deforestation. These changes have profound effects on ecosystems, leading to biodiversity loss, altered agricultural yields, and rising sea levels. Addressing its impacts requires global cooperation, informed policy-making, and sustainable practices.


