Circular economy

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Foundational Principles:

  1. Thermodynamics and material flows: The circular economy is deeply rooted in the laws of thermodynamics. The second law, in particular, states that entropy in a closed system always increases. In the context of resource use, this means that high-quality, low-entropy materials (like metals and minerals) degrade over time into dispersed, high-entropy states. The circular economy seeks to slow this degradation by recirculating materials and reducing the need for new resource extraction.

  2. Biomimicry: Nature operates in cycles, with no waste. The circular economy draws inspiration from natural systems, aiming to design human systems that mimic these cyclical processes.

Economic and business implications:

  1. Value Retention: In a circular economy, the focus shifts from value creation through production to value retention through extended product lifecycles, reuse, and recycling.

  2. Business Model Innovation: Companies are exploring new business models, such as Product-as-a-Service, where consumers lease rather than buy products. This model incentivizes companies to produce durable products and retain ownership of the materials for eventual refurbishment or recycling.

  3. Supply Chain Resilience: By reducing dependency on virgin raw materials, companies can insulate themselves from price volatilities and supply chain disruptions associated with resource scarcity.

Environmental implications:

  1. Ecological Footprint: A circular approach can significantly reduce the ecological footprint of production and consumption, decreasing land use, water use, and emissions.

  2. Material Flow Analysis (MFA): This scientific method quantifies flows and stocks of materials or substances in a system. MFA is crucial in a circular economy to track resource use and identify opportunities for circular interventions.

Challenges and considerations:

  1. Material Complexity: Modern products, especially electronics, are composed of a complex mix of materials. This complexity can make recycling and material recovery challenging.

  2. Energy Use in Recycling: While recycling is essential for a circular economy, it's not always energy-efficient. For some materials, the energy required to recycle them approaches or even exceeds the energy needed to extract and refine virgin materials.

  3. Behavioral and Institutional Inertia: Established industries, consumer habits, and regulatory frameworks are often geared towards a linear economy. Transitioning to a circular model requires systemic changes across these domains.

Recent scientific research and insights:

  1. Material Passports: These are digital platforms that detail the materials, components, and structures used in buildings or products. They can facilitate more efficient material recovery at the end of life.

  2. Eco-design: Scientific research is increasingly focusing on designing products explicitly for circularity, ensuring they are durable, repairable, and recyclable.

  3. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA): LCA is a tool that assesses the environmental impacts of a product throughout its life cycle. It's instrumental in identifying areas where circular interventions can have the most significant environmental benefit.


Circular economy


Model of production and consumption, which involves sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products for as long as possible.


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