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Types of phytoremediation:

  1. Phytoextraction (or Phytoaccumulation): This process involves plants that can accumulate contaminants in their shoots and leaves. These plants, often referred to as hyperaccumulators, are then harvested and disposed of safely or even used to extract the metals for reuse.

  2. Phytodegradation (or Phytotransformation): In this process, plants metabolize and break down pollutants within their tissues. Certain enzymes within the plant can degrade complex organic pollutants into simpler, less harmful forms.

  3. Phytostabilization: This method uses plants to immobilize contaminants in the soil and groundwater, preventing them from migrating to other areas or entering the water cycle. The plants can sequester the contaminants in their roots or adsorb them onto their root surfaces.

  4. Phytovolatilization: Some plants can take up contaminants and convert them into volatile forms, which are then transpired into the atmosphere. This is often used for organic contaminants and certain metals like mercury.

  5. Rhizofiltration: This is the use of plant roots to absorb, concentrate, and precipitate toxic compounds from polluted water, typically in wetlands.

  6. Rhizodegradation (or Enhanced Rhizosphere Biodegradation): This involves the breakdown of contaminants in the soil through microbial activity that is enhanced by the presence of plant roots. The roots excrete substances that provide nutrients to soil microorganisms, which in turn break down organic contaminants.

Mechanisms of action:

  • Absorption: Plant roots absorb contaminants along with water and nutrients from the soil.

  • Accumulation: Contaminants are concentrated in the biomass of the plants, particularly in roots, stems, or leaves.

  • Transformation: Plants or their associated microorganisms can chemically modify contaminants into less toxic forms.

  • Volatilization: Plants can release contaminants into the air through their leaves after transforming them into a volatile form.

Considerations for phytoremediation:

  • Selection of Plant Species: The success of phytoremediation depends on selecting the right plant species that can tolerate and accumulate high levels of contaminants without being harmed.

  • Contaminant Type and Concentration: Different plants are effective against different types of contaminants, and the concentration of the contaminant can affect the efficiency of the process.

  • Soil Conditions: Soil pH, texture, and nutrient levels can influence the uptake of contaminants by plants.

  • Climate: The local climate, including temperature, rainfall, and sunlight, can affect plant growth and, consequently, the phytoremediation process.

  • Timeframe: Phytoremediation is generally a slower process compared to physical or chemical remediation methods and may take several growing seasons to clean up a site.

  • Management of Biomass: The biomass that accumulates contaminants must be disposed of properly to prevent the release of contaminants back into the environment.

  • Regulatory Approval: Phytoremediation projects often require approval from environmental regulatory agencies, and the process must comply with environmental regulations and guidelines.




Innovative and sustainable technology that uses plants and their associated microorganisms to clean up soil, water, and air contaminated with hazardous contaminants. It is considered a cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and aesthetically pleasing way to detoxify sites contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides, solvents, crude oil, and various other pollutants.



Cover photo credits and license

"Phytoremediation" by DanielaC173 is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.