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Farm tourism is a rapidly growing market, allowing urbanites to reconnect with nature. Usually, attractive farms are those whose produce and products are environmentally-friendly, sustainable and very closely linked with nature.

Many landscape are a result of a co-evolution of nature and low-intensity livestock grazing.

Tourism in aquatic protected area or to fishing villages are examples of tourism services from the aquatic systems. The demand for tourism and recreation opportunities has grown steadily over the last 50 years, with a particular emphasis on marine and costal zones. Coral reefs are particularly important for tourism and have a high value associated with them. Recreational fishing is a growing tourism sector with an estimated 118 million fishers in the industrialised world.

Tourism in forests is now an important aspect to take into consideration when planning forest management. Tourism revenues can often bring an incentive for sustainable forest management.




Enjoyment of nature attracts millions of travelers worldwide. This cultural ecosystem service includes both benefits to visitors and income opportunities for nature tourism service providers.


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