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In a strong and fair New York City, everyone has a voice in our future.

Today, Americans have less trust in their government and civic institutions than ever. In New York City, many stay on the sidelines and don’t get involved or vote. To overcome the challenges facing our city, we must strengthen our democracy, and make it easier for everyone to transform and have a say in their community. We must empower residents by increasing civic participation, encouraging volunteerism, helping newcomers become involved in their communities, and training young people to be the leaders of tomorrow.

We encourage active participation in our democracy.

We have taken bold steps to reduce the barriers preventing New Yorkers from participating in our democracy. We have registered tens of thousands of new voters. Participatory budgeting has given residents a say in how to improve their neighborhoods. We are educating students about what it means to live in a democracy. We continue to help immigrants adapt to their new surroundings. We are a leader on the world stage in support of climate action and immigration.

We will make it easier for New Yorkers to be part of our civic life.

We will push for expanded voting rights and make sure polling sites have resources in more languages. We will work to count every New Yorker in the 2020 Census. As always, the City will welcome immigrants, and expand resources to meet their needs. We will create programs to ensure equal rights and justice for all communities. We must fix our democracy for the future and, in doing so, make sure human rights are respected and there is gender and racial equity.

An engaged public is the cornerstone of our democracy.

We must ensure the voice of every New Yorker is heard, and make it easier to join in the democratic process. We cannot confront the challenges of climate change, affordable housing, and the racial wealth gap without an engaged, empowered public that trusts the power of democracy to improve our lives. Bringing all New Yorkers into our civic and democratic life will help build trust, strengthen neighborhoods, and reinvigorate civic institutions.

Our commitment to a Vibrant Democracy

Empower all New Yorkers to participate in our democracy

Welcome new New Yorkers from around the world and involve them fully in civic life

Promote justice and equal rights, and build trust between New Yorkers and government

Promote democracy and civic innovation on the global stage




OneNYC 2050 is a strategy to secure our city's future against the challenges of today and tomorrow.


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