Lennart Kuntze

  • Person

Lennart Kuntze is the inaugural Global Head of Climate Education and Leadership at Teach For All. He has worked in climate change and environmental sustainability for over 10 years, including as project manager at the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and UN Environment Programme, where he worked with countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America on their transition towards a green(er), (more) inclusive economy. More recently, Lennart spent 2 ½ years researching and teaching at Harvard University. During this time, he co-instructed a new course on Teaching Climate Change and co-led a community organizing project around climate storytelling & public narrative with several local chapters of the Sunrise Movement. Lennart holds an undergraduate degree from University College Maastricht (Netherlands) and graduate degrees in Public Policy (from United Nations University) and Public Administration (from Harvard Kennedy School).


Lennart Kuntze


Lennart Kuntze is the inaugural Global Head of Climate Education and Leadership at Teach For All.

