Dr Joanna Depledge

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Member of the research network Climate Strategies and, from 2017 to 2020, was the Editor of the international, peer-reviewed journal Climate Policy. She has researched, lectured, supervised and examined at the University of Cambridge, mostly at the Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS), but also Land Economy and the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL). She has published and lectured widely on climate change issues, as well as on other environmental topics. In 2017, she curated the “Richard Kinley Gallery: the UNFCCC Story”, a unique exhibition at the UN Climate Change Secretariat’s headquarters documenting the history of the climate change negotiations. Prior to her academic career, Joanna worked for the UN Climate Change Secretariat, as well as for the Earth Negotiations Bulletin, reporting on climate change, ozone and biodiversity meetings. She holds a PhD from University College London.


Dr Joanna Depledge


Dr Joanna Depledge is an expert on the international climate change negotiations, which she has been following since the 1990s.



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