Azadeh Farajpour

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Azadeh completed her bachelor’s degree in agricultural engineering with a focus on animal science in Kerman, Iran. A few years later, she began her master’s degree in Sustainable International Agriculture (MSc.) with a focus on Tropical Agricultural and Agroecosystem Sciences at the Universities of Göttingen and Kassel, Germany.

Immediately after completing her master’s degree, she worked as a research associate at the research institute of Prof. Dr. Dr. Franz Josef Radermacher FAW/n (Research Institute for Applied Knowledge Processing/n), Ulm,There, she primarily worked on the Marshall Plan with Africa and the Development and Climate Alliance of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). She has a broad network of national and international project partners in the field of nature-based solutions.


Azadeh Farajpour


Azadeh Farajpour is a scientist, entrepreneur and the founder of “betterSoil – for a better world”. This is an initiative and startup to improve soil quality for climate resilience, climate protection and sustainable food production and is active in different countries.



