Educational Technology

  • Topic
  • Voting issue


Educational technology encompasses the use of digital tools, software, hardware, and technological solutions to enhance teaching and learning processes. This can include learning management systems, online courses, digital textbooks, classroom-specific applications, and tools that track student performance, among others. s the digital age advances, there's a growing emphasis on integrating technology into classrooms to prepare students for a technologically-driven world.

When assessing policies, voters might consider stances on the funding of technology in schools, views on professional development and training for educators, proposals related to student data privacy and how technology vendors handle student information, approaches to ensuring reliable internet access in schools and for students at home, and stances on the role of technology in standardizing education versus its role in personalizing education.


Educational Technology


Voting issues concerning the use of digital tools, software, hardware, and technological solutions to enhance teaching and learning processes.

Voting issues regarding the use of digital tools, software, hardware, and technological solutions to enhance teaching and learning processes.

Broader voting issues


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