By contrast, the United States has a long history of political protests that have turned violent. In the summer of 2020 alone, violent protestors targeted the federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon, for over 50 days, repeatedly assaulted federal officers and set fire to the courthouse, all in support of a purported political agenda opposed to the authority of the United States. See Portland Riots Read Out: July 21, U.S. Department of Homeland Security (Jul. 21, 2020), 2020/07/21/portland-riots-read-out-july-21. In the context of the history of violent American political protests, January 6 was not insurrection and thus no justification for invoking section 3

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By contrast, the United States has a long history of political protests that have turned violent. In the summer of 2020 alone, violent protestors targeted the federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon, for over 50 days, repeatedly assaulted federal officers and set fire to the courthouse, all in support of a purported political agenda opposed to the authority of the United States. See Portland Riots Read Out: July 21, U.S. Department of Homeland Security (Jul. 21, 2020), 2020/07/21/portland-riots-read-out-july-21. In the context of the history of violent American political protests, January 6 was not insurrection and thus no justification for invoking section 3


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