Transcript of Donald Trump Exclusive Conversation With Sid Rosenberg

  • Transcript

Sid Rosenberg: Here he is the 45th and soon to be the 47th president of the United States and I'm proud to call him a friend, the great president Donald J Trump. Mr. President, good morning, how are you pal?

Donald Trump: Good morning, Sid. How are you doing?

Sid Rosenberg: Uh, the bigger question is how are you doing? I'm okay, but I always say this to you, you know I'm here in New York, and you know I have these TVs on which I don't have the sound on because I'm doing the radio show, Mr. President. But I see out of the corner of my eye all these liberal stations, MSNBC, CNN, they're doing somersaults this morning because they feel like you know that half a billion dollars you need to post in a couple of days ain't going to happen, and this repulsive Leticia James is going to start taking away some of our most prized properties, so that's what they're doing this morning, Mr. President.

Donald Trump: Well, these are crooked politicians, a corrupt court, and it's a disgrace, and they don't even give you a chance to appeal. They want you to put up money before the appeal, so if you sell a property or do something and then you win the appeal, you don't have the property. What was that all about? And nobody's ever heard of stuff like that. Number one, number two, the award is ridiculous because nothing was done wrong at all. Everybody was paid, the banks love Trump, they testified that they love Trump. The loan that they were talking about was paid in full. In fact, I paid it off early. They would no divorce, no nothing, they just didn't like the way I got it, and I got it perfectly. It was a conservative financial statement with the disclosures, non-disclosure, perfect non-disclosure clauses. It was so good, everything was perfect. Everything, it was like a buyer beware. You put a buyer beware clause, look at what you, and besides that, it didn't matter, they got paid back. There were no victims, there were no anything. So, they have Barber wear closes, everything was perfect, and this judge is a wacko judge who hates Trump, and he's been overturned more than, I guess, just on this case, he's been overturned four times. He comes up with a thing to pay $355 million plus interest plus this plus that on something that there was no problem. There's no fine, there should be fine, no fine, frankly, this is driving business out of New York, and nobody's going to come into New York, no business is going to come in. You have Leticia James who campaigned on, I mean, she's a disgrace, she's a big disgrace, and she campaigned in the fact "I will get Trump," you know that, you've seen that all over the place, "I will get Trump." Then she ran for governor, and she failed miserably. She got about 2% in the polls, then she failed, and she's just a slob, and she shouldn't be allowed. They should revoke her legal license, her law license. She shouldn't be allowed to do this. They're going after me because I'm running for president, and I'm beating a crooked Joe Biden by a lot. That's the only reason this is happening. All of this stuff, every one of them, every case you read about, not just this one, every case you read about, it's all inspired by Washington. How about you have to pay an award before you appeal? No, you appeal, and then if you lose the appeal, you have to at some point pay, right? But you don't pay before you appeal, so that's what it is, Sid, and it's just a disgrace that it can take place, and it's going to affect New York. Look, New York is doing so badly, they have criminals all over the place, they have 500,000 migrants, nobody cares about them. They just go after Donald Trump who paid $300 million in taxes. I paid $300 million in taxes, and this is the kind of treatment I get. I rebuilt half of the city and built half. I built a large portion of that City, the Westside yards, the convention center. I was involved in so many things, and then this is the kind of treatment I get. It's pretty unbelievable.

Sid Rosenberg: I'm with you. I walk by 40 Wall Street every day, Mr. President. Sometimes I take video. I go, "This is my friend's building. You can't have it." I walk past Trump Tower every day. I mean, it makes me sick too, believe me. I live in New York still, but what they're doing to you really upsets me and makes a lot of people angry. I have to tell you, I just hung up with Alan Dershowitz, and he has voted Democratic his whole life. You know, you guys have had a relationship for years, but he's voted Democrat his whole life, and he said, "I got to tell you, this latest story that has President Biden saying that he will not ship arms to Israel if in fact Bibi goes into Gaza, people are saying to me, first of all, if Trump was President, it never would have happened. It never would have happened. But if it did happen in a crazy hypothetical, Trump would be giving Bibi Netanyahu everything he needs." Is that not fair to assume?

Donald Trump: That's 100% correct. Number one, and you said it most importantly, it wouldn't have happened. They would have never done it. Iran was broke; they had no money. Now they have $231 billion. They had no money three years ago, three and a half years ago. I wouldn't let anyone buy oil, and they had no money. They didn't have money for Hamas, for Hezbollah, for nobody. It wouldn't have happened, and you know what else wouldn't have happened? Ukraine and Russia wouldn't have happened, and you know what else? Inflation wouldn't have happened because energy caused it, and I had inexpensive energy. As soon as he came in, the energy doubled and tripled.

Sid Rosenberg: It's been an economic disaster. There's no question about it. You know, one of the things I want to talk about, though, Mr. President, is people say there are two things, only two things that can stop Trump from winning in November.

Donald Trump: How do you win with open borders where people are coming into our country from prisons, from jails, from mental institutions, from insane asylums, a step beyond? How do you do that? How do you win where terrorists are pouring into our country? Nobody's even checking who they are. They're coming in from all over the world. They're coming from the Congo, they're coming from all parts of Africa, they're coming from the Middle East, they're coming from Yemen, where we're bombing Yemen right now. Here we go with the bombing again because the guy can't talk, he can't put two sentences together. And all of these cases, by the way, my cases are coming because I'm running for president. If I weren't running for president, none of this stuff would be happening. But I'm proud to be doing it. We're going to make America great again. America is being laughed at all over the world right now.

Sid Rosenberg: I agree with you. Not just running but doing a tremendous job, Mr. President. You've now won three consecutive primaries, you eviscerated the Republican field, you humiliated DeSantis and Haley and the rest of them, and you're beating Biden right now. I have to tell you, I was really happy with the conversation you had a couple of days ago with Tucker, where you talked about 15 weeks, where you talked about you're there for the exceptions, even the IVF stuff you've talked about in the past. So, people who say, "Hey, Trump, he doesn't care about abortion," that's just not true. You've been talking about it for days.

Donald Trump: No, the Democrats have the radical theory because they're willing to do abortions in the ninth month and even after the baby is born. You've seen that with the governor of Virginia, the former governor of Virginia, where he said even after the baby is born. And nobody, it's not acceptable to anybody. No, and I believe in the exceptions, and it's to me very important. You know, the three exceptions, same as Ronald Reagan, by the way, the same as Ronald Reagan. And you have the exceptions, and then we're going to come up with a time, and maybe we can bring the country together on that issue. You know, other civilized countries in the world, they have standards, and that's what we have to have, but you have to have, in my opinion, and again you have to follow your heart. Some people want to take a tougher stand on it; they don't want any exceptions under any circumstances. My attitude is you have to have exceptions if there's rape, incest, the life of the mother, you have to have exceptions. I mean, somebody gets raped, and they don't want to get an abortion, or the parents or whatever don't want to do the abortion, uh, it's, you've got to have, you've got to have exceptions, in my opinion. And I think Ronald Reagan had it, I had it. I never had a problem with this issue. And what we did is we were able, with the cancellation of Roe v. Wade, we were able to bring it back to the states where everybody on both sides wants it. All of the legal scholars want it, and we got that, but the radicals are the Democrats because they're okay with abortion in the ninth month, seventh month, eighth month, ninth month, sixth month. Nobody wants that; nobody wants it. So, uh, if you have exceptions and you do the exceptions, and about 80% of the Republicans, from what I understand, do have exceptions, and I think others are being there because you also have to win elections, Sid. You have to win. I tell people, some people say, you know, they have very hard lines. I say, "Here's the problem: you have to win elections, and otherwise, you'll be right back where you started. And if you don't win the elections, you're going to end up being back where you started on this issue. So, uh, I think that I've never had a problem with the issue, and a lot of people have. We've, you know, lost a lot of seats because of that and because of views that are just impractical. At the same time, you have to follow your heart. If you really believe that, you have to go with that, but I believe you have to have exceptions. The number of weeks now, people are agreeing on 15, and I'm thinking in terms of that, and it'll come out to something that's very reasonable. But people are really, even hardliners are agreeing seems to be 15 weeks seems to be a number that people are agreeing at. But I'll make that announcement at the appropriate time. But the issue of abortion, we brought it back to the states, and everybody agrees that, you've heard this for years, all the legal scholars on both sides agree it's a state issue, shouldn't be a federal issue, it's a state issue.

Sid Rosenberg: I agree. Ruth B. Ginsburg felt the same way. President Trump, you know, I mentioned these horrible liberal channels earlier, that they're just jumping up and down this morning about the fine you have to come up with. The other thing is this bloodbath comment. I mean, Jesus, President Trump, it was obvious there you were talking about the car industry, you're talking about China, you're talking about Mexico, but animals like Joe Scarborough, he wants people dead in the streets. I got to say, of all the amazing things you've done, you've done a million amazing things, of all the amazing things you've done, I really believe you exposing the media, which you did then, and we see it every day now, is one of your greatest tasks. I really believe that.

Donald Trump: Yeah, well, I'm very proud of it. When I was first running, I knew they were bad, but I never knew they were this bad. And you know, we have exposed them, and the term fake news is a term I'm very proud of. The only problem is it's not strong enough; it should be stronger, you know, like corrupt news, but that doesn't play as well. It's just, you know, because it's so corrupt, it's so bad, it's so fake, and I exposed that, but you know, their approval rating when I first ran was very, very high, and now it's lower than Congress, which is pretty low. That's a good point.

Sid Rosenberg: The VP talk is something you got to be getting sick of. I know you said on this show with me maybe two or three months ago, you weren't being disrespectful, but you said, "Look, the truth is, Presidents don't win based on their VP pick," and you're right about that, but they make you crazy. I know every day, Mr., come on, who are you taking? You're taking Tim Scott, you're taking Kristi Noem? Now I saw another list today where you're down to like five people. Ovea is not going to be the VP; he'll get a job somewhere else. Are any of these lists accurate, or not really?

Donald Trump: No, they're not, and the one I saw the list today, it's totally inaccurate. It's just, you know, it's not accurate at all. It really isn't. With all of this being said, it's very important you pick the right person in case something happens, and then after that, you want somebody that's going to help. Number one is in case something happens, bad things can happen, and you want to have somebody that can step into the role and be great. But in terms of an election, historically, it doesn't help at all. It's amazing how little. I guess it could hurt if you pick somebody that was a disaster, but he's got a disaster, and he's a disaster. Look, Biden's the worst president in the history of our country, and he's got a vice president who is a total catastrophe. They want to change her; they're dying to change her, but they're afraid to change her. And you know, you got a team over there that, in history, there's never been a worse team than that.

Sid Rosenberg: I agree.

Donald Trump: She's actually less popular than he is

Sid Rosenberg: They all are. I mean, I mean, look at it. Mark Levin talks about this all the time. He's right, Mr. President. You look at, from top to bottom, I mean, the Secretary of State Blinken, to Jake Sullivan, to Lloyd Austin, I mean, really, it's a ship of fools, no?

Donald Trump: It's a terrible thing, and you look at, uh, this is running our country. This is what's going to be negotiating with Putin if he wins. Putin, look at the mess we would be in Ukraine. We wouldn't be, you wouldn't have any problems over there. Russia was never going to do that when I was president, number two, they wouldn't have done it because the oil prices were lower. The oil became so high, it went so high, that's a big deal for Russia, that they were able to do things here that they never ever would have done. They became rich during this war because of the oil prices, and nobody becomes rich during a war, but they did because the oil prices went up so high, and that was Biden's fault with all of his policies. You know, he's gone down back, largely to my policies temporarily, which he'd end in two minutes if he ever won. That'd ended in two minutes, but they're drilling oil now because the price was going so high, they would stop that the day after the election, you understand that.

Sid Rosenberg: Of course. So, in terms of your presidential place in history, you know, I actually sent you something on Truth Social. I'm on there @NYMorningBest, right, and I wished you a happy president's day. As far as I'm concerned, you and Reagan are the best presidents in my lifetime, and if God is good to me, I'll be 57 next month. But here's the caveat: they go, "Well, I'm okay with Trump and Reagan, but Reagan served two terms. Trump, he should have served two, but he only served one. Do you feel like, uh, President Trump, that you need to win this election to solidify your place in presidential history as maybe the best? You need to get two terms to be considered for that?

Donald Trump: Well, they say I did more in one term than most presidents have even thought about in two terms.

Sid Rosenberg: Listen, you've done more, you've done more in one term than 12 years of these two idiots, Obama and Biden.

Donald Trump: We've done an awful lot, and you know, I hate to say it one way or the other. I guess that's for historians to say, but we did more in one term. Three Supreme Court Justices, think of it. 300 judges, uh, throughout the country. That's a record, over 300 judges throughout the country. That's a record. We did so much, and then we had the greatest economy ever, we had the biggest tax cut ever, it's the biggest tax cut, bigger than Reagan substantially, uh, the biggest tax cut, biggest regulation cut, rebuilt the military, uh, beat ISIS, 100% of the ISIS caliphate, took out ISIS. Nobody said that could be done. I did it in like four weeks. We did it in a very short period of time. Once we got started, they said it was going to take four to five years if you can do it at all. We did it in four weeks. Uh, everything we've done was a tremendous success, and we had the greatest economy in history, and we had the best border in history, and I built 571 miles of border wall, which is much more than I said I was going to build, but because of that, and because I got Mexico to give us soldiers free of charge, of course, free of charge, 28,000 soldiers free of charge at the border, otherwise I would have charged them tariffs, and, you know, what we've done, nobody's done what I've done. So, I don't know, it would be nice to do, and we're going to give that a shot, and I'll tell you what, the most important day in the history of our country is going to be November 5th. That's election day.

Sid Rosenberg: Agreed.

Donald Trump: It's going to be the most important day in the history of our country, and if we don't win, this country, I think, is going to just, I think it's going to virtually fold up. It's in trouble; it's in such trouble, and I'll get it turned around fast.

Sid Rosenberg: I agree. So, in the final 60 seconds, you mentioned all that border wall you built, Mr. President, and the great job you did with the border. I can tell you this, four years I did mornings when you were president, okay, with Bernard, our friend Bernard, God rest his soul. You know how many times I said the word 'migrant'? Take a guess.

Sid Rosenberg: Zero

Donald Trump: You tell me.

Sid Rosenberg: Zero

Sid Rosenberg: Zero. There were no issues. President Trump had that border shut down like businesses in Israel on Shabbat. So, you get back, and how long will it take you to fix that border, which he's mangled?

Donald Trump: Yeah, I would say 30 days. And he could do it too, but he has got the wrong policies. Don't forget, I had "Remain in Mexico." I had things like that. That was a big deal, "Remain in Mexico." You couldn't come into the country until we approved you. And you know, we want people to come in legally, and that's fine, but they can't come in the way right now they're coming in by the millions. 15 million people, and look at New York. You probably have a half a million migrants in New York, and they're taking over everything, including your parks. Nobody can use the parks; they can't do anything. What's happened, that's why I'm going to put a heavy play on New York because the politicians are just, what's going on with this Leticia James and the judge and judges, just judges, is so terrible for that place. I mean, people are afraid to go there. They're afraid to open businesses there. New York has got real problems. We're going to put a heavy play on New York and see if we can do it because, frankly, typically, it's not for a Republican, but if you look at the numbers with African-Americans, with Hispanic Americans, with everybody, they're so good. And, uh, we'd love to, I'd love to see if we could win New York and get that turned around.

Sid Rosenberg: Well, come up here. We'll do a rally this summer. I, we, we'll make it big.

Donald Trump: We're going to, yeah, we'll be in your show plenty because you have a great show and you have big ratings, Sid. I don't even know if you know how good your show is, okay? But you have big ratings, and you have a great show, and you've been my friend for a long time, and I appreciate it.

Sid Rosenberg: Mr. Trump, Mr. President, I love you. Good luck with all this nonsense these people are putting you through. Stay strong because, like you say, November 5th is the most important day in our country's history. And if God loves us, you're going to win. So, I will see you and talk to you again very soon. Thank you so much. God bless you.

Donald Trump:Thank you, Sid. Very much. Take care.

Sid Rosenberg: Take care. There he is. I love him. I really do.


Transcript of Donald Trump Exclusive Conversation With Sid Rosenberg


Donald Trump interview by Sid Rosenberg, Sid & Friends in the Morning, radio show on WABC, March 19, 2024.



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