Voting position claim

  • Type


These claims are to be used to contest the voting positions, and not whether individual politicians support/oppose them.


Key attributes that ideally should be filled to all voting position claims:

  • Types - Voting position claim AND Claim

  • Voting Issue - a general voting topic

  • Topics - category and subcategory of the voting issue

  • Voting position category - a group of similar voting issues (to help with navigation)

  • Supported voting positions - positions supported by this claim

  • Opposed voting positions - positions opposed by this claim

Other attributes are inherited from the standard claims. They are there to facilitate discussions are therefore are optional. Quotes/sources are of particular notes, and you should try to include one of these as some sort of backing for the claim.


Voting position claim


Extension of the standard [Claim] that includes attributes specific to claims about voting positions.
