Curriculum and Instruction

  • Topic
  • Voting issue


Curriculum and instruction pertain to the content taught in schools and the methods used to deliver that content. Curriculum encompasses the subjects, topics, and standards students are expected to learn, while instruction refers to the teaching techniques, strategies, and tools employed by educators. Decisions about curriculum and instruction can be influenced by state and local education departments, school boards, and other entities.

Curriculum and instruction are foundational elements of the educational process, directly influencing student experiences and outcomes. Voters may consider issues surrounding stances on national, state, or local curriculum standards, positions regarding inclusivity and diversity in curriculum content, policies about teacher preparation and ongoing professional development, approaches to integrating technology and modern skills into the curriculum, and views on the balance between standardized testing and holistic assessment methods.


Curriculum and Instruction


Voting issues concerning the content taught in educational institutions and the methods used to deliver that content.

Broader voting issues


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