Respondent's Anderson et al. goal in Supreme Court case "Trump vs Anderson" is for US Supreme court to accept Donald Trump appeal for review of certain issues and not accept appeal on other issues

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Respondent's Anderson et al. goal in Supreme Court case "Trump vs Anderson" is for US Supreme court to accept Donald Trump appeal for review of certain issues and not accept appeal on other issues


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Respondent's Anderson et al. goals in US Supreme Court case "Trump v Anderson"

US Politics


The Anderson Respondents agree the Court should grant certiorari on questions about the legal interpretation of Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment (questions 2–5 as framed above) and on related justiciability issues (question 1 as framed above). Although the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision on each of these issues was correct, these are important issues of first impression that this Court should resolve. That said, the Court should not take up any issues (like question 6) that would require the Court to re-weigh the facts found by the state trial court.

US Politics


Petitioner Donald J. Trump offers a single question presented, which wrongly conflates at least seven discrete legal and factual issues in his Petition. Properly framed, the questions presented are: 1. Whether a challenge to the constitutional qualifications of a candidate for President presents a non-justiciable political question? 2. Whether the Presidency and the President fall within the list of offices and officers to which Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment applies? 3. Whether states may exclude from the ballot candidates who are ineligible to hold office under Section 3? 4. Whether Congress must first pass legislation under Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment before a state can enforce Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment, even if state law provides a cause of action to enforce it? 5. Whether, by intentionally mobilizing, inciting, and encouraging the violent attack on the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021, Trump “engaged in insurrection” against the Constitution for purposes of Section 3?

US Politics
