How do we make sure we save as many babies as we can and support as many moms as we can? And so, in order to do that, we're gonna have to say: how do we get 60 votes [in the Senate]? And I think that we should find consensus. Consensus on saying let's not have late-term abortion. Consensus on the fact that if doctors and nurses don't believe in abortion they shouldn't have to perform it. Consensus on the fact let's encourage more adoptions that are good quality adoptions. Consensus on the fact that contraception should be available. Consensus that no state law should put a mother in jail, or give her the death penalty, for having an abortion. Let's start there. And whatever 60 Senate votes come to, whether that's 15 weeks, I absolutely would sign it.

  • Quote


How do we make sure we save as many babies as we can and support as many moms as we can? And so, in order to do that, we're gonna have to say: how do we get 60 votes [in the Senate]? And I think that we should find consensus. Consensus on saying let's not have late-term abortion. Consensus on the fact that if doctors and nurses don't believe in abortion they shouldn't have to perform it. Consensus on the fact let's encourage more adoptions that are good quality adoptions. Consensus on the fact that contraception should be available. Consensus that no state law should put a mother in jail, or give her the death penalty, for having an abortion. Let's start there. And whatever 60 Senate votes come to, whether that's 15 weeks, I absolutely would sign it.


Abortion discussions starting at 4:10 min mark.


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