
  • Topic
  • Voting issue


Diplomacy refers to the practice of conducting negotiations between representatives of different nations or entities to manage international relations, address global issues, and avoid conflicts. It involves dialogue, negotiation, and cooperation to foster mutual understanding and establish agreements or treaties. How the U.S. interacts with other nations, whether allies or adversaries, impacts global geopolitics and the nation's standing in the international community.

When assessing political candidates or policies, voters might consider stances on the importance of maintaining strong diplomatic ties with allies plans to approach adversarial nations, positions on international organizations, like the United Nations or World Trade Organization, and their roles in diplomatic endeavors, views on current international treaties or agreements and whether they should be maintained, revised, or withdrawn from, perspectives on the balance between diplomatic versus military approaches in foreign policy, and strategies for promoting U.S. interests abroad while also engaging in cooperative global efforts.




Voting issues pertaining to the practice of conducting negotiations between representatives of different nations or entities to manage international relations, address global issues, and avoid conflicts.

Broader voting issues


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