Ban abortion after three months on the federal level

  • Voting position


Proponents of a 3 months abortion ban may argue that this is a point in time when the fetus becomes viable where vital organs are sufficiently developed for it to have a chance to survive outside the womb. Therefore, a 3 months abortion would respect the sanctity of life and the rights of the unborn.

Opponents of the ban may point to fetal abnormalities or risks to the mother's health that are not detectable or fully understood until after 3 months, limiting the ability to make informed decisions later in pregnancy.

Note: "Three months" is a more general category. This encompasses both the 20-week and 15-week bans, as the discussions for the latter almost completely replaced the discussions of the former in the political public debates.

Discussions about the voting position


Ban abortion after three months on the federal level


Position supporting the proposals to ban abortion after three months on federal level, empasizing fetal viablity.

Broader voting positions

Voting issues

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