"Lauren Hitt, a campaign spokesperson for Biden said, This is straight out of the Handmaid’s Tale. Nationwide abortion bans, attacks on same-sex marriage, and restrictions on contraception — this is the horrifying reality being openly discussed by Team Trump and the likely architects of his second term agenda. That’s right, folks. Any federal limit on abortion — say, even at the point of viability — is straight out of The Handmaid’s Tale. (Where’s my red bonnet?)"

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"Lauren Hitt, a campaign spokesperson for Biden said, This is straight out of the Handmaid’s Tale. Nationwide abortion bans, attacks on same-sex marriage, and restrictions on contraception — this is the horrifying reality being openly discussed by Team Trump and the likely architects of his second term agenda. That’s right, folks. Any federal limit on abortion — say, even at the point of viability — is straight out of The Handmaid’s Tale. (Where’s my red bonnet?)"


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