The Trump administration say they've completed more than 400 miles of border wall since then. It's 452 miles (727 km) in total, according to the latest US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) information (4 January 2021). However, only 80 miles of new barriers have been built where there were none before - that includes 47 miles of primary wall, and 33 miles of secondary wall built to reinforce the initial barrier. The vast majority of the 452 miles is replacing existing structures at the border that had been built by previous US administrations. President Trump has argued that this should be regarded as new wall, because it's replacing what he called "old and worthless barriers."

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The Trump administration say they've completed more than 400 miles of border wall since then. It's 452 miles (727 km) in total, according to the latest US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) information (4 January 2021). However, only 80 miles of new barriers have been built where there were none before - that includes 47 miles of primary wall, and 33 miles of secondary wall built to reinforce the initial barrier. The vast majority of the 452 miles is replacing existing structures at the border that had been built by previous US administrations. President Trump has argued that this should be regarded as new wall, because it's replacing what he called "old and worthless barriers."



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