In 2006 Secure Fence Act directed Department of Homeland Security to build 700 miles of border wall along US - Mexico border

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In 2006 Secure Fence Act directed Department of Homeland Security to build 700 miles of border wall along US - Mexico border












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A new 700 miles of double-layered fencing won approval on a 283-138 vote, a bigger margin than last December when the House passed it as part of a broader bill that also would have made being an illegal immigrant a felony. The nearly 2,000-mile border now has about 75 miles of fencing.

US Politics


The Secure Fence Act of 2006 directed DHS to construct 850 miles of additional border fencing. This requirement was subsequently modified by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2008 (P.L. 110-161), which was enacted into law on December 26, 2007. The Act requires the Secretary of Homeland Security to construct fencing along not fewer than 700 miles of the southwest border.

US Politics


The Secure Fence Act called for the construction of 698 miles of double-layered (pedestrian) fencing along designated segments of the US-Mexico border. The Act initially specified that a 370-mile segment of fence from Calexico, California to Douglas, Arizona be completed by May 30, 2008 (along with a 30-mile segment adjacent to Laredo, Texas). However, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, enacted on December 26, 2007, significantly increased the discretion of the Secretary of DHS in determining where to install fencing. This legislation required only that a minimum of 700 miles of fencing be constructed where it would be “most practical and effective,” and that the Secretary of DHS identify either 370 miles or “other mileage” which would be completed by December 31, 2008.

US Politics
