Colorado law limits participation in presidential primaries to those political parties fielding a “qualified candidate.” Pet. App. 29a; COLO. REV. STAT. § 1-4-1203(2)(a). And other provisions of the Code help explain what it means to be “qualified,” referring to a candidate who “desires the office and is qualified to assume its duties if elected.” Pet. App. 53a–55a; COLO.REV. STAT. § 1-4-1101(1). Because the Election Code requires the candidate to be qualified to be on the ballot, the Anderson Respondents stated a valid claim that including Trump on the ballot would be a “wrongful act” by the Secretary of State. Id. at 51a–55a (quoting COLO. REV. STAT. § 1-1-113).

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Colorado law limits participation in presidential primaries to those political parties fielding a “qualified candidate.” Pet. App. 29a; COLO. REV. STAT. § 1-4-1203(2)(a). And other provisions of the Code help explain what it means to be “qualified,” referring to a candidate who “desires the office and is qualified to assume its duties if elected.” Pet. App. 53a–55a; COLO.REV. STAT. § 1-4-1101(1). Because the Election Code requires the candidate to be qualified to be on the ballot, the Anderson Respondents stated a valid claim that including Trump on the ballot would be a “wrongful act” by the Secretary of State. Id. at 51a–55a (quoting COLO. REV. STAT. § 1-1-113).


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