Experts note that even sectors with tall, solid barriers are by no means impenetrable. Migrants often find ways to climb the barriers using ladders or ropes or cut and climb through them. "It's really just more of a speed bump. It'll probably just take another few minutes to get into the US," said Adam Isacson, a researcher at the Washington Office on Latin America. "This is not at all an insurmountable barrier. It's harder to get kids over, or the old or disabled, and a lot more people die or are badly injured falling from it. But it does not seem to deter people".

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Experts note that even sectors with tall, solid barriers are by no means impenetrable. Migrants often find ways to climb the barriers using ladders or ropes or cut and climb through them. "It's really just more of a speed bump. It'll probably just take another few minutes to get into the US," said Adam Isacson, a researcher at the Washington Office on Latin America. "This is not at all an insurmountable barrier. It's harder to get kids over, or the old or disabled, and a lot more people die or are badly injured falling from it. But it does not seem to deter people".



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