Anyone who has looked into the glazed eyes of a soldier dying on the battlefield will think hard before starting a war

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Anyone who has looked into the glazed eyes of a soldier dying on the battlefield will think hard before starting a war


Mein lieber Professor, ein solcher Krieg hätte uns wenigstens 30,000 Mann brave Soldaten gekostet, und uns im besten Falle keinen Gewinn gebracht. Wer aber nur ein Mal in das brechende Auge eines sterbenden Kriegers auf dem Schlachtfeld geblickt hat, der besinnt sich, bevor er einen Krieg anfängt - My dear Professor, a war would have cost us at least 30,000 brave soldiers, and at best we should have gained nothing by it. Besides, anyone who has once looked into the glassy eyes of a dying warrior on the battlefield would think twice before beginning a war.


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