Nelson Studart

  • Historian


Nelson Studart


Nelson Studart Filho holds a Ph.D. in Physics from USP (1979), with a postdoctoral degree from Harvard (1980-1982). He developed the academic career (1975-2013) at the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar). Since 2014, he is a Senior Visiting Professor at the Federal University of ABC. Presently he is Academic Coordinator and Lecturer at the Ilum School of Science of CNPEM - National Center for Research in Energy and Materials. In the area of research in Physics, he carried out researches in Condensed Matter Physics (FMC) with emphasis on the study of optical and transport properties in electronic systems of reduced dimensionality, as a researcher fellow of CNPq (1983-2017). In the area of Physics Education, he performs translational research, aimed at the application of academic research in the classroom, with the participation of fellow researchers and high school teachers. The new digital technologies and active methodologies with interest in games based learning and gamification processes are investigated. He has an interest in the History of Physics and its teaching. Has an interest in the History of Physics and its teaching. He participated in several evaluation processes of PNLD didactical books, as pedagogical coordinator and evaluator. He was editor of the Brazilian Journal of Physics Teaching (2000-2009) and is currently Associate Editor. Founder and current Editor of Physics at School. He acted in the construction and consolidation of the National Professional Master's Degree in Physics Teaching (PROFIS-CAPES) (2014-2020) (Source: Lattes Curriculum)

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