James Clear

  • Writer

James Clear, a name synonymous with habit formation and self-improvement, transcends the realm of typical self-help rhetoric. His journey, deeply intertwined with the exploration of human behavior and performance, has paved the way for millions around the globe to transcend their habitual boundaries and aspire for continuous improvement.

Born and raised in Hamilton, Ohio, James Clear's early life was colored with the competitive spirit of baseball, where he served as a captain of the baseball team at Denison University. It was here that he delved into the world of biomechanics, earning a degree that later formed the bedrock of his understanding of human habits and performance​.

The pivot in his career came post-graduation when he transitioned from being a performance coach for athletes and executives to a writer and speaker, focusing on the realms of habits, decision-making, and continuous improvement. His approach isn't merely theoretical; it's steeped in a practical understanding of how tiny changes can lead to remarkable outcomes​.

His magnum opus, "Atomic Habits," is not just a book, but a movement that has resonated with over 15 million readers worldwide. The book's crux lies in its simple yet profound premise: small changes yield big results. It's not just the habits that need a change, but the system encompassing them. This masterpiece has been translated into over 50 languages, showcasing its global appeal and the universal applicability of its core message​.

Beyond the written word, James Clear's impact reverberates through his speaking engagements at major companies and events, where he distills complex behavioral science into actionable insights. His clientele includes the likes of Cisco, General Electric, Honda, among others. Moreover, his digital footprint extends to over 2 million email subscribers to his 3-2-1 newsletter and over 10 million annual visitors to his website, where he continues to share practical insights on habit transformation​​.

James Clear’s work is a testament to his undying curiosity and his commitment to making a tangible difference in people’s lives. His approach, rooted in scientific principles and real-world applicability, showcases a unique blend of simplicity and profundity that continues to inspire individuals and organizations towards a path of continuous improvement and excellence. His work, a confluence of behavioral science, practical wisdom, and actionable strategies, propels individuals and organizations to not just chase success, but to redefine it.

His legacy is not just about forming good habits but fostering a culture of continuous improvement that resonates with the inherent potential every individual holds. Through his books, speeches, and online platforms, James Clear continues to be a beacon of practical wisdom in a world chasing overnight success.


James Clear


James Clear is a writer and speaker. He is the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Atomic Habits and the popular 3-2-1 newsletter.












