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The Clifton Strengths Analysis, also known as CliftonStrengths or the Gallup Strengths Assessment, is a tool developed by Gallup, primarily generating its revenue. Created by Don Clifton, this online personality-assessment focuses on identifying 34 key personality traits. It's commonly used in professional settings for evaluating job candidates or considering employees for promotions.

The 34 traits are categorized into four groups:

1. Strategic Thinking: Traits like Analytical, Futuristic, and Strategic.

2. Relationship Building: Traits such as Empathy, Harmony, and Includer.

3. Influencing: Includes traits like Communication, Self-assurance, and Woo.

4. Executing: Traits like Discipline, Focus, and Responsibility.

To use the Gallup Test, participants answer an online questionnaire that measures their agreement with statements related to these traits. The test results highlight the individual's top five traits, ranking them to show their most dominant strengths. This ranking helps individuals understand their unique abilities and how to use them effectively to achieve their goals and enhance performance.




CliftonStrengths is a widely recognized assessment tool developed by Gallup, a global analytics and advisory company. This tool is designed to help individuals identify and understand their unique strengths and talents.


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